Thank you for voting for the date and location on the health fair. Here is a bit more information for you:
The Date
September 12 is the chosen date as that is the day that Dr. Alam is available. The health fair will be from 9 am to 12 pm. As a board member you will need to be there from 7 am to 1 pm to assist with setup and breakdown.
The Location
The Norris Conference Center is located at 2525 W. Anderson Lane. It is one of the few places that we can afford and is available on our date.
We would be using the Red Oak Ballroom, which will give us plenty of room for vendors. We will not be providing breakfast in the morning but just coffee. The cost will be $1,250 plus coffee which is estimated at $80. We will not need to hire a security guard or incur other costs for the location.
July Board Meeting
Please don’t forget to RSVP for the July board meeting here.